Mind, Body, and Soul balance

Mind, Body, and Soul balance

Healing and a feeling of personal wholeness only occur when the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. Balancing them all is necessary for a happy and fulfilled life. And in moments of crisis – it is vital for you to be vigilant in protecting that balance. All three are connected: the mind, body, and spirit. Weaknesses or imbalances in one of these can negatively affect yourself and others. Emotional stress of the mind can cause high blood pressure and other illnesses in an otherwise healthy body.

Healing intention is a conscious mental choice to improve your health or the health of another. It includes the expectation of improved well-being and the hope that the desired health goal can be reached. It also includes the understanding of personal meaning in your life and work.

Ultimately, healing intention includes the belief that healing and well-being will occur. If you don’t truly believe that you can be healed, or if some part of you is holding onto the disease or condition, you might disrupt or limit your own inherent capacity to heal on a subconscious level.

Don’t underestimate yourself! By developing healing intentions, you set the stage for healing to occur.